Terms of Use
第1条 本利用規約について
- GRANBOARD 利用規約(以下「本利用規約」といいます)は、株式会社 LUXZA(以下「当社」といいます。)が提供するサービスを、ユーザーが利用する際の一切の行為に適用されます。
- 本利用規約は、当社が運営する「GRANBOARD」(以下「本サービス」といい、本サービスを利用するために当社が提供する アプリを「本アプリ」といいます。)の利用条件を定めるものです。ユーザーは、本利用規約に従い本サービスを利用するものとします。
- ユーザーは、本アプリをダウンロードし、本サービスを利用することにより、本サービスに入会したこととなり、また、本利用規約の全ての記載内容について同意したものとみなされます。また、ユーザーは本サービスを利用する毎に、本アプリ上に表示される注意事項を確認するものとし、また本利用規約に同意したものとみなされます。
- 当社は、当社の判断により、本利用規約をいつでも任意の理由で変更することができるものとします。
- 変更後の利用規約は、当社が別途定める場合を除いて、本アプリ上に表示した時点より効力を生じるものとします。
- ユーザーが、変更後の本利用規約に同意できない場合は、直ちに本アプリをユーザー自身のスマートフォン等の携帯端末(以下「携帯端末」といいます。)から削除するものとします。
- ユーザーが、本利用規約の変更に効力が生じた後に本サービスをご利用になる場合には、変更後の利用規約の全ての記載内容に 同意したものとみなされます。
- 一定期間アクセスがない等、当社が別途本アプリ上に表示して定める条件を満たす場合、本サービスに係るユーザーの登録は、自動的に解除される場合があります。
第2条 未成年者の本サービス利用
- 未成年者が本サービスを利用する場合、アイテム・サービスの購入等有償サービスの利用を含む本サービスの一切の利用(本条各項を含む本利用規約への同意を含みます)について、法定代理人(親権者等)の承諾を要するものとします。
- 未成年者が本サービス内の有償サービスを利用する場合、当該未成年者は、当社が別途定める月額利用上限金額に従うものとします。この場合、当該利用上現金額は、法定代理人が未成年者に対し「目的を定めて処分を許した財産」となります。
- 未成年者が、本利用規約に定める法定代理人の承諾がないにもかかわらず、承諾があると偽って本サービスを利用した場合、また、年齢について成年と偽って本サービスを利用した場合、その他「行為能力者であることを信じさせるため詐術を用いたとき」に該当する場合、当該未成年者は、本サービスにおける一切の法律行為を取り消すことができません。
- 本利用規約合意時に未成年であったユーザーが、成年に達した後に本サービスを利用した場合、これにより、当該ユーザーは、本サービスの利用に係る一切の法律行為について、追認したものとみなされます。
第3条 個人情報等の取扱い
- 当社は、ユーザーから取得した個人情報等を、当社が別途定める「プライバシーポリシー」に基づき、適切に取り扱うものとします。
第4条 通信の秘密
- 当社は、電気通信事業法(昭和 59 年法律第86号)第4条に基づき、ユーザーの通信の秘密を守ります。
- 当社は、当社が次の各号に該当すると判断する場合、ユーザーへの事前報告なしに、ユーザーの通信の秘密にかかわる情報 を観覧または非公開もしくは削除することができるものとします。
(1)計時訴訟法(昭和 23 年法律第 131 号)または犯罪捜査のための通信傍受に関する法律(平成 11 年法律第 137 号)の定めに基づく強制力のある処分または裁判所の命令が行われた場合
(2) 法令に基づく強制力のある処分が行われた場合
(3) 特定電気通信役務提供者の損害賠償責任の制限および発信者情報の開示に関する法律(平成 13 年法律第 137 号)第4条に基づく開示請求の要件が充足されたと当社が判断した場合
(4) 他人の生命、身体、財産または名誉、プライバシーの保護のために必要があると当社が判断した場合
(5) ユーザーの同意がある場合
(6) 本サービスの適切な運営上に必要がある場合
第5条 利用条件等
- ユーザーは、自己の責任において本アプリをユーザー自身の携帯端末にダウンロードし、インストールするものとします。 なお本アプリが全ての携帯端末に対応することを保証するものではありません。
- 本サービスを利用するために必要な、携帯端末、通信回線等の準備・費用については、ユーザーの負担とします。
- ユーザーは、本アプリのダウンロードを完了し、その利用を開始することが可能になった時点から本アプリを利用することができます。なお、本アプリは、携帯端末のみにダウンロードおよびインストールできるものとします。
- ユーザーは、ゲーム内通貨・アイテム・その他役務・利益等を亭受する権利等(以下「アイテム等」といいます。)につき、本アプリで定められた範囲の利用権を有するのみであって、所有権、知的財産権等の権利を取得するものではなく、本アプリ外のいかなる金品とも交換できるものではありません。
- 本アプリの著作権・その他の権利は、当社に帰属します。本利用規約は、明示的に定めがある場合を除き、ユーザーに本アプ リの著作権その他いかなる権利も移転することを許諾するものではありません。
- 本アプリを含む本サービスの仕様・ルール・デザイン・視聴覚表現及び効果・パラメータその他一切の事項については、 当社が任意に設定・構築・変更等できるものとし、ユーザーは予めこれを了承します。
- ユーザーは、以下の各号に該当する行為、または該当するもしくはそのおそれがあると当社が判断する行為を行ってはならないものとします。
(2) 第三者にアイテム等を利用させ、または本サービスの内外を問わず有償にて貸与、譲渡、売買、質入等する行為
(6) 異なるサービス間における、ゲーム内通貨・アイテム等の交換行為またはその申込の誘因・申込・承諾を含む一切の準備行為
(7) 携帯端末の改造、技術的特性、偶発的事情その他の特別な事情を利用して、ユーザーが所在する場所とは異なる場所での位置情報登録を繰り返す行為
(9) 当社その他第三者に対して次に掲げるいずれかの行為を行うこと
a. 知的財産権その他の権利を侵害する行為、または侵害するおそれのある行為
(13) 自分以外の人物を名乗ったり、代表権や代理権がないにもかかわらずあるものと装ったり、または他の人物や組織と提携、協力関係にあると偽って本サービスを利用する行為
(14) 電子計算機使用詐欺を含む詐欺、電子計算機損壊等業務妨害を含む業務妨害、不正アクセス行為、規制薬物の濫用、児童売買春、預貯金口座および携帯端末の違法な売買等その他の犯罪行為、犯罪に結びつく、または結びつくおそれのある行為
(15) 違法行為 (賭博、拳銃等の譲渡、爆発物の製造、児童ポルノの提供、公文書偽造、殺人、脅迫等)を請け負い、仲介、誘引する行為
(16) 政治的、宗教的行為またはこれに関連する行為
(17) わいせつ(芸術性の有無にかかわらず、性的感情を刺激するものと当社が判断する表現の一切を含む)、児童ポルノまたは児童虐待、公序良俗違反等に相当するコメント等 (文章・アスキーアート・画像・動画その他一切の表現を含みます)の情報(以 下、本号において「これらの情報」といいます。)について、次に掲げるいずれかの行為を行うこと
a. これらの情報を投稿または表示する行為
b. これらの情報を収録した媒体を販売する行為
c. これらの情報を収録した媒体の送信、表示、販売を想起させる広告を投稿または表示する行為
a. ユーザー自身を特定可能な個人情報等を含む情報
b. 商業用の広告、宣伝または勧誘を目的とするコメント等の情報
c. 営利・非営利を問わず、全ての医療および医療類似行為 (その形態において薬剤の利用、スピリチュアル、パワーストーン、カウンセリング、占い行為、等を問わない)に勧誘する情報
d. アフィリエイトのリンクを含むコメント等の情報
e. 無限連鎖講(ネズミ講)、チェーンメール、MLM、リードメール等他人を勧誘する内容のコメント等の情報
f. 金融機関等の口座番号・暗証番号を含むコメント等の情報
g. アダルトサイト、ワンクリック詐欺サイト、ウィルス等の有害なコンピュータプログラム等を流布させることを目的とするサイト等、当社が不適切と判断するサイトに誘導するコメント等の情報(単にリンクを張る行為を含む)
h. 下記を含むグロテスクな画像、他のユーザーが不快を感じる可能性が高いと当社が判断するコメント等の情報
h-1. 人または動物の殺害、傷害現場等を撮影したコメント等の情報
h-2. 死体または動物の死骸等を撮影したコメント等の情報
h-3. その他残虐なコメント等の情報
h-4. 未成年者へ悪影響を及ぼしかねないコメント等の情報
h-5. 暴力的、グロテスクな写真、およびその他一般ユーザーが不快に感じるコメント等の情報
h-6. 当社のサポートメール、他ユーザーの投稿情報等の全部又は一部の転載
h-7. その他当社が不適切と判断するコメント等の情報
a. スパム投稿 一人または複数のユーザーが、本サービス内の投稿可能な箇所に、同一または類似の文章を投稿し、またはメールで送信する行為
b. スパムワード 一人または複数のユーザーが、本サービス内の投稿可能な箇所に、当該箇所と無関係もしくは関連性の希薄な語句を複数羅列し、または著しく長い文章もしくは大量の語句を投稿する行為
c. スパムURL 一人または複数のユーザーが、本サービス内の投稿可能な箇所に、同一のURLを投稿、またはメールで送信する行為
d. その他当社がスパムと判断する行為
(28) 本アプリを複製、送信、譲渡、貸与、翻訳、翻案、改変、他のソフトウェアと結合等する行為
(29) 本アプリに組み込まれているセキュリティデバイスまたはセキュリティコードを破壊するような行為
(37)その他、当社が不適切と判断する行為 - ユーザーが本利用規約のいずれかの条項に違反したときは、ユーザーに対して何時にても本利用規約に基づく本アプリの利用を終了させることができます。その場合、当社はユーザーに対してなんらの責任を負うものではありません。
- ユーザーは、課金に関しては、インストールする携帯端末に応じてApple 社またはGoogle 社(決済につき当社が指定する第 三者がある場合、当該第三者を含みます。)の決済に関する規約に同意していることが前提となり、同規約に従うものとします。
第6条 保証
- 本サービスを利用してコメント等の情報を投稿するユーザーは、当社に対し、当該コメント等の情報が第三者の権利を侵害していないことを保証するものとします。万一、第三者との間でなんらかの紛争が発生した場合には、当該ユーザーの費用と責任において問題を解決するとともに、当社になんらの迷惑または損害を与えないものとします。
- ユーザーが本サービスを利用して投 稿等した文章・画像・映像等の著作権は、当該ユーザーに留保されるものとしますが、当社は、これらにつき、本サービスの円 滑な提供・告知、システムの構築・改良・メンテナンス等本サービスの提供に必要な範囲内で使用できるものとします。
第7条 本利用規約または本サービス付随規約違反行為等への対処
- ユーザーが本利用規約に違反したと認められる場合、その他当社が必要と認める場合は、当社は当該ユーザーに対し以下の対処を含む当社が必要と判断する措置・処分等を講ずることがあります。また、これらの処分によりユーザーに不利益・損害が発生した場合においても、当社はその責任を負いません。
(7)ユーザーを強制退会処分とすること - 当社は、強制退会処分を受けたユーザーについて、本サービスを含む当社のサービスを提供しないこと(サービス提供の拒絶、既に登録している他のサービスの強制退会処分を含みます)ができるものとし、また、当該処分に必要となる範囲で個人情報等を保存する場合があります。
- ユーザーは、当社が本利用規約に基づいて行った本利用規約に違反する行為等への対処について、 異議を申し立てることはできません。
- ユーザーの行為によって当社に損害が発生した場合、当社が第1項の措置をとったか否かにかかわらず、当社はそのユーザーに対して損害賠償請求をすることができるものとします。
- 本利用規約または本サービス付随規約に違反する行為より生じた結果について、当社は一切の責任を負うものではありません。
第8条 免責
- 当社は、本サービスの利用により発生したユーザーの損害については、一切の賠償責任を負いません。
- ユーザーが、本サービスを利用することにより、第三者に対し損害を与えた場合、ユーザーは自己の費用と責任においてこれを賠償するものとします。
- 当社は、本サービスに発生した不具合、エラー、障害等により本サービスが利用できないことによって引き起こされた損害について一切の賠償責任を負いません。
- 当社は、ユーザーが携帯端末のハードウェア又はソフトウェアに改変、改造、技術的特性等を施し、 本サービスを正常に利用できないことにより被った損害について一切の賠償責任を負わないものとし、かつ本サービスの利用復帰等の一切の対応を行わないものとします。
- 当社は、ユーザーが登録情報を自ら紛失、忘却したこと(本アプリの削除を含む)により被った損害について一切の賠償責任を負わないものとし、かつ本サービスの利用復帰等の一切の対応を行わないものとします。また、ユーザーが、本サービスで利用する携帯端末について、無断使用、紛失、盗難、故障その他の事由によって、登録情報を喪失した場合も同様とします。
- 本サービスは、当社がその時点で提供可能なものとします。当社は提供する情報、コンテンツおよびソフトウェア等の情報についてその完全性、正確性、適用性、有用性、利用可能性、安全性、確実性等につきいかなる保証も一切しません。
- 当社はユーザーに対して、適宜情報提供やアドバイスを行うことがありますが、その結果について責任を負わないものとします。
- 当社は、本アプリのバグその他を補修する義務および本アプリを改良または改善する義務は負いません。ただし、ユーザーに本アプリのアップデート版またはバージョンアップ情報等を提供する場合があります。この場合、かかるアップデート版またはバージョンアップ情報等も本アプリとして扱い、これらにも本利用規約が当然に適用されます。
- 本利用規約またはその他の利用規約等が消費者契約法第2条第3項の消費者契約に該当し、かつ、当社が債務不履行または不法行為に基づき損害賠償責任を負う場合については、当社に故意または重大な過失がある場合を除いて、当社は、当該ユーザーが直接かつ現実に被った損害を上限として損害賠償責任を負うものとし、特別な事情から生じた損害等(損害発生につき予見し、または予見し得た場合を含む。)については責任を負わないものとします。
- 本サービスの利用に関連して提供される、第三者の提供する本サービス以外の商品役務等につき、当社は、一切の保証を行いません。
第9条 退会の取扱い
- ユーザーは、自己の自由な意思で退会または本アプリのアンインストールをできるものとします。ユーザーが本アプリのアンインストールを行った場合、退会したものとみなします。
- ユーザーが死亡した場合、ユーザーは死亡した時点で退会したものとみなします。
- ユーザーは、退会時に残存しているゲーム内通貨、アイテム等の一切のコンテンツが退会と同時に消滅することに同意するものとします。
- 当社は、退会したユーザーの個人情報等一切の情報を引き続き保有する義務はないものとします。
- 前第3項及び第4項の規定は、第7条で定める強制退会処分及び第1条第8項で定める本アプリの強制退会の場合にも準用されるものとします。
第10条 本利用規約および本サービス付随規約の有効性
- 本利用規約の各条項の全部又は一部が法令に基づいて無効と判断されても、当該条項の当該部分以外及び本利用規約のその他の規定は有効とします。
- 本利用規約の規定の一部が、あるユーザーとの関係で無効とされ、または取り消された場合でも、本利用規約はその他のユーザー との関係では有効とします。
第11条 法律の適用及び裁判管轄
- 本利用規約は、日本法に準拠し、日本法によって解釈されるものとします。
- 本利用規約に関する紛争については、東京地方裁判所または東京簡易裁判所を第一審の専属的合意管轄裁判所とします。
第12条 利用規約の変更
- 当社は今後、社会情勢の変化に対応するため、また事業推進の過程でサービス形態の変更があった場合、本規約を予告なく改訂、追加、変更することができるものとします。
- お客様は本規約の変更後、本サービスの利用を継続することにより、お客様は変更後の本規約に同意をしたものとします。
GRANBOARD App Terms of Use
Article 1 About these Terms of Use
- The GRANBOARD Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms of Use") shall apply to all actions taken by the user when using the services provided by LUXZA Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Company").
- These Terms of Use set forth the terms and conditions for the use of the "GRANBOARD" (hereinafter referred to as the "Service" and the application provided by the Company for use of the Service is referred to as the "Application") operated by the Company. The User shall use the Service in accordance with these Terms of Use.
- By downloading the Application and using the Service, the User shall be deemed to have joined the Service and to have agreed to all of the contents of these Terms of Use. In addition, each time the User uses the Service, the User shall confirm the precautions displayed on the Application, and shall be deemed to have agreed to these Terms of Use.
- The Company may, at its discretion, change the Terms of Use at any time for any reason.
- Unless otherwise specified by the Company, the amended Terms of Use shall be effective from the time they are displayed on the Application.
- If the User does not agree to the amended Terms of Use, the User shall immediately delete the Application from the User's own smartphone or other mobile device (hereinafter referred to as "Mobile Device").
- If the User uses the Service after the changes to the Terms of Service become effective, the User shall be deemed to have agreed to all of the content of the amended Terms of Service.
- The registration of a user for the Service may be automatically cancelled if the conditions specified by the Company in a separate notice on the Application, such as no access for a certain period of time, are met.
Article 2 Use of the Service by Minors
- When a minor uses the Service, the consent of a legal representative (e.g., a person with parental authority) is required for all use of the Service, including the purchase of items and services and other paid services (including consent to the Terms of Service, including each section of this Article).
- In the event that a minor uses a paid service within the Service, such minor shall comply with the maximum monthly usage amount separately determined by the Company. In this case, the amount of cash for use shall be the "property that the legal representative has allowed the minor to dispose of for a specified purpose.
- In the event that a minor uses the Service by falsely claiming to have the consent of a legal representative without the consent of the legal representative as stipulated in these Terms of Use, or uses the Service by falsely claiming to be of legal age, or otherwise falls under the category of "using fraudulent means to make a person believe that he or she has the capacity to act," the minor shall be liable for all legal acts under the Service. In such cases, the minor shall not be able to cancel all legal acts in this service.
- In the event that a user who was a minor at the time of agreeing to the Terms of Service uses the Service after reaching the age of majority, such user shall be deemed to have acknowledged all legal acts related to the use of the Service.
Article 3 Handling of Personal Information
- The Company shall properly handle personal information, etc. obtained from Users in accordance with the "Privacy Policy" separately stipulated by the Company.
Article 4 Secrecy of Communication
- Our company shall protect the confidentiality of the user's communications in accordance with Article 4 of the Telecommunications Business Law (Law No. 86 of 1984).
- In the case that the Company deems any of the following to be applicable, the Company may, without prior notice to the User, view, disclose or delete any information related to the confidentiality of the User's communications.
(1) In the cases where there is a compulsory disposition or court order based on the provisions of the Timekeeping and Litigation Law (Law No. 131 of 1948) or the Law Concerning Interception of Communications for Criminal Investigation (Law No. 137 of 1999).
(2)In the cases where there is a compulsory disposition based on laws and regulations
(3) When our company judges that the requirements for a disclosure request based on Article 4 of the Act on the Limitation of Liability for Damages of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers and the Disclosure of Identification Information of the Sender (Act No. 137 of 2001) have been met.
(4) When our company judges that it is necessary to protect the life, body, property, honor, or privacy of others
(5) When there is consent from the user
(6) When it is necessary for the proper operation of this service.
Article 5 Terms of Use
- Users shall download and install the Application to their own mobile devices at their own risk. Our Company does not guarantee that the Application will be compatible with all mobile devices.
- The User shall be responsible for the preparation and cost of the mobile terminal, communication line, etc. necessary to use the Service.
- The User may use the Application from the time the User completes downloading the Application and is able to start using it. The Application can only be downloaded and installed on mobile devices.
- The User shall only have the right to use in-game currency, items, and other services and benefits (hereinafter referred to as "Items") within the scope specified in the Application, and shall not acquire any ownership rights, intellectual property rights, or other rights, and shall not be able to exchange them for any money or goods outside of the Application. You do not acquire any ownership or intellectual property rights.
- The copyright and other rights of this application belong to our Company. These Terms of Use do not authorize the transfer of the copyright or any other rights to the Application to the User, except as expressly provided.
- The specifications, rules, design, audiovisual expressions, effects, parameters, and any other matters of the Service including the Application may be set, constructed, and changed by the Company at its discretion, and the User agrees to this in advance.
- The User shall not engage in any of the following acts, or acts that the Company deems applicable or likely to be applicable.
(1)Attempting to manipulate or change data in the service.
(2) Allowing a third party to use items, etc., or lending, transferring, selling, or pledging items, etc., for a fee, whether inside or outside of the Service
(3)Use, create, distribute, or sell external tools that affect the Service.
(4)Organizing events within the service to gain some kind of profit.
(5)Any act of trading in-game currency, items, etc. for money, property, or other property interests in the real world (so-called "real money trading"), whether inside or outside of the Service, or any preparatory act including the invitation, application, or acceptance of such an offer.
(6) Exchanging in-game currency, items, etc. between different services, or any preparatory actions including inducement, application, or acceptance of such applications.
(7) Repeated registration of location information in a location different from the user's location by taking advantage of the modification of mobile terminals, technical characteristics, accidental circumstances, or other special circumstances.
(8)Intentionally use actions or external tools not originally intended by our Company to obtain items or other benefits in the Service.
(9) Committing any of the following acts against the Company or any third party
a. Acts that infringe or may infringe intellectual property rights or other rights.
b.Acts that infringe or may infringe on property, privacy, or portrait rights.
c.Acts that unfairly discriminate or slander, promote unfair discrimination against other companies, or damage the honor or trust of others.
d.Actions that interfere with business or cause inconvenience.
e.Use of another person's account, with or without consent.
f.Harassment of others in any way.
(13) To use this service by claiming to be someone other than oneself, by pretending to have the right to represent or act on behalf of another, or by falsely claiming to be in a partnership or cooperative relationship with another person or organization.
(14) Fraud, including computer fraud, obstruction of business, including computer damage, unauthorized access, abuse of controlled substances, child prostitution, illegal sale and purchase of savings accounts and mobile terminals, and other criminal acts, or acts that lead or may lead to crime
(15) Engaging in, mediating, or inducing illegal activities (gambling, transfer of guns, manufacture of explosives, provision of child pornography, forgery of official documents, murder, blackmail, etc.)
(16) Political, religious, or related activities
(17) Obscenity (including any and all expressions that the Company deems to stimulate sexual feelings, regardless of whether they are artistic or not), child pornography or child abuse, comments or other information (including text, ASCII art, images, video, or any other expressions) that is equivalent to a violation of public order and morals, etc. (hereinafter in this item, the "Information")(including text, ASCII art, images, video, and any other expressions) (hereinafter referred to as "Information" in this item), do any of the following
a. Posting or displaying such information.
b. Selling media containing such information.
c. Posting or displaying advertisements that evoke the transmission, display, or sale of media containing this information.
(18)Use of the site for the purpose of obscene acts, dating, etc., whether of the opposite sex or the same sex.
(19)To persistently ask for, collect, or accumulate personal information of other users.
(20)An act of spreading false information or information whose authenticity is unknown.
(21)Influencing minors to drink, smoke, embroider, or otherwise adversely affect their personal development.
(22)Induce or solicit others to commit suicide or self-injury.
(23)Induce or solicit others to engage in antisocial activities.
(24)Posting any of the following information, including comments, on any part of the Site where posting is permitted
a. Information that includes personal information that can identify the user.
b. Comments or other information that is intended for commercial advertising, promotion, or solicitation
c. Information that solicits any medical or medical-like activities (regardless of whether it is in the form of drug use, spirituality, power stone, counseling, divination, etc.), whether for profit or not
d. Comments or other information that contains affiliate links.
e. Comments or other information that solicits others to join a pyramid scheme, chain mail, MLM, lead mail, etc.
f. Information such as comments that contain account numbers or PINs of financial institutions.
g. Information such as comments that lead to sites that the Company deems inappropriate, such as adult sites, one-click fraud sites, and sites that aim to spread harmful computer programs such as viruses (including simply linking to such sites)
h. Grotesque images, including the following, and comments or other information that the Company deems highly likely to cause discomfort to other users
h-1. comments or other information that depicts the killing or injury of a person or animal
h-2. information such as comments that photograph dead bodies or animal carcasses, etc.
h-3. other information such as comments about cruelty
h-4. Comments or other information that may have an adverse effect on minors
h-5. information such as violent or grotesque photos and other comments that general users may find offensive
h-6. Reproduction of all or part of our support e-mail, information posted by other users, etc.
h-7. Other information such as comments that the Company deems inappropriate.
(25)Committing any of the following spam acts
a. Spam posting: Posting or e-mailing the same or similar sentences by one or more Users in the Service where they can be posted.
b. Spamming: An act by which one or more Users list multiple words that are unrelated or of little relevance to the relevant part, or post extremely long sentences or a large number of words in any part of the Service that can be posted.
c. Spam URLs: Acts of one or more users posting the same URL or sending the same URL by e-mail to any part of the Service that can be posted.
d. Any other act that the Company deems to be spam.
(26)Posting links for the purpose of encouraging such acts, knowing that such acts fall under any of the items in this section.
(27)Disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, or otherwise analyze the source code, structure, or ideas of this Application
(28) Copying, transmitting, transferring, lending, translating, adapting, modifying, or combining this application with other software
(29) Copying, transmitting, transferring, lending, translating, adapting, modifying, or combining this application with other software
(30)Any action that induces malfunction of this application (including any and all unscheduled actions)
(31)Other acts that infringe on the rights of the Application Provider with respect to this Application.
(32)Any act that encourages a third party to perform any of the above acts
(33)Act of sublicensing, transferring, transferring or otherwise disposing of this application or the right to use this application based on these terms of use to a third part
(34)Removing or changing the copyright and other rights notices attached to this application.
(35)Act of intermediating access to this service through communication or other methods
(36)Using the Service in places where it is inappropriate to use the Service, such as while driving a vehicle or in dangerous places
(37)Any other acts that the Company deems inappropriate. - In the cases that a user violates any of the provisions of these Terms of Use, our Company may terminate the use of the Application based on these Terms of Use at any time. In such a case, our Company shall not be liable to the User in any way.
- The User shall agree to the terms of payment of Apple or Google (including the third party designated by the Company for payment, if any) depending on the mobile device installed. (If there is a third party designated by mixi, Inc. for payment, the third party shall be included.
Article 6 Guarantee
- Users who post comments and other information using this service shall guarantee to our Company that the said comments and other information do not infringe on the rights of any third party. In the unlikely cases that a dispute of any kind arises with a third party, the user concerned shall resolve the issue at his/her own expense and responsibility, and shall not cause any inconvenience or damage to our Company.
- The copyright of any text, images, video, etc. posted by a User using the Service shall be retained by the User, but the Company may use such text, images, video, etc. to the extent necessary for the smooth provision and announcement of the Service, construction, improvement, and maintenance of the system, and provision of the Service.
Article 7 Dealing with Violations of the Terms of Use or the Terms of Service
- In cases where a User is found to have violated these Terms of Use, or where the Company deems it necessary, the Company may take measures and punishments deemed necessary by the Company, including the following actions against the User. In addition, the Company shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage incurred by the User as a result of such action.
(1)To demand that users stop violating these terms of use and not repeat similar acts.
(2)To request the voluntary deletion or correction of information such as comments
(3)To delete all or part of information such as comments, history, etc., change the scope of public disclosure, or make it unavailable for viewing (private)
(4)Disclosing the fact of violation inside or outside of the Service, including reporting to the police or other public institutions in cases where there is a possibility of criminal or administrative cases.
(5)To deprive users of items they have acquired or take other disadvantageous measures in the Service
(6)Temporarily suspend the use of the Service
(7)Forcibly withdrawing a user from the service. - Our Company may refuse to provide any of the Company's services, including the Service, to a User who has been subject to a forced withdrawal (including refusal to provide the Service and forced withdrawal from other services for which the User has already registered), and may store the User's personal information to the extent necessary for such action.
- The User may not object to the Company's actions in response to violations of these Terms of Use.
- In the event that the Company suffers damage as a result of a User's act, the Company may claim compensation for the damage from the User, regardless of whether or not the Company has taken the action described in Paragraph 1.
- Our Company shall not be liable for any consequences resulting from acts that violate these Terms of Use or the Terms of Service.
Article 8 Disclaimer
- Our Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the User due to the use of the Service.
- In the event that a user causes damage to a third party through the use of this service, the user shall compensate for this at their own expense and responsibility.
- Our Company shall not be liable for any compensation for damages caused by the inability to use the Service due to malfunctions, errors, or failures that occur in the Service.
- Our Company shall not be liable for any damages caused by the inability to use the Service due to the User's alteration, modification, or technical characteristics of the hardware or software of the mobile terminal, and shall not take any action to restore the use of the Service.
- Our Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred due to the User's loss or forgetfulness of registered information (including deletion of the Application), and shall not take any action such as restoring the use of the Service. The same shall apply in the event that the User loses his/her registered information due to unauthorized use, loss, theft, malfunction, or any other reason of the mobile terminal used for the Service.
- The Service shall be what the Company is capable of providing at the time. The Company makes no warranty of any kind regarding the completeness, accuracy, applicability, usefulness, availability, safety, or reliability of the information, content, software, or other information provided.
- Our Company may provide information and advice to the User from time to time, but Our Company shall not be liable for the results thereof.
- Our Company shall not be obligated to repair bugs or other problems in the Application or to improve or enhance the Application. However, the Company may provide the User with updated or upgraded versions of the Application. In this case, such updated version or version up information, etc. shall be treated as the Application, and these Terms of Use shall naturally apply to such updated version or version up information, etc.
- In cases our Company shall not be liable for damages arising from special circumstances (including cases where the Company foresaw or could have foreseen the occurrence of damages). The Company shall not be liable for damages arising from special circumstances (including cases where the occurrence of damages was foreseen or foreseeable).
- Our Company shall not provide any guarantee for products and services other than the Service provided by third parties in connection with the use of the Service.
Article 9 Handling of withdrawal from membership
- Users may withdraw from the membership or uninstall the Application at their own free will. If a user uninstalls this application, the user shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the membership.
- In the case of the death of a user, the user shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the membership at the time of death.
- The user agrees that all remaining in-game currency, items, and other content will be lost upon withdrawal.
- The Company is not obligated to continue to hold any personal information of users who have withdrawn from the service.
- The provisions of the preceding paragraphs 3 and 4 shall apply mutatis mutandis in the case of compulsory withdrawal as stipulated in Article 7 and compulsory withdrawal from the Application as stipulated in Article 1, paragraph 8.
Article 10 Validity of the Terms of Service and Terms of Service Incidental Thereto
- Even if all or part of a provision of these Terms of Use is determined to be invalid based on laws and regulations, the rest of the provision and other provisions of these Terms of Use shall remain valid.
- If any part of the provisions of these Terms of Use is held invalid or revoked in relation to any one user, these Terms of Use shall remain valid in relation to the other users.
Article 11 Application of Law and Jurisdiction
- These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.
- The Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court shall be the exclusive court of first instance for any disputes related to these Terms of Use.
Article 12 Changes to the Terms of Use
- Our Company may revise, add, or change these Terms of Use without prior notice in order to respond to changes in social conditions or if there are changes to the service format in the course of business promotion.
- By continuing to use the Service after any changes are made to the Terms, the customer is deemed to have agreed to the revised Terms.
GRANBOARD App Terms of Use
Article 1 About these Terms of Use
- The GRANBOARD Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms of Use") shall apply to all actions taken by the user when using the services provided by LUXZA Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Company").
- These Terms of Use set forth the terms and conditions for the use of the "GRANBOARD" (hereinafter referred to as the "Service" and the application provided by the Company for use of the Service is referred to as the "Application") operated by the Company. The User shall use the Service in accordance with these Terms of Use.
- By downloading the Application and using the Service, the User shall be deemed to have joined the Service and to have agreed to all of the contents of these Terms of Use. In addition, each time the User uses the Service, the User shall confirm the precautions displayed on the Application, and shall be deemed to have agreed to these Terms of Use.
- The Company may, at its discretion, change the Terms of Use at any time for any reason.
- Unless otherwise specified by the Company, the amended Terms of Use shall be effective from the time they are displayed on the Application.
- If the User does not agree to the amended Terms of Use, the User shall immediately delete the Application from the User's own smartphone or other mobile device (hereinafter referred to as "Mobile Device").
- If the User uses the Service after the changes to the Terms of Service become effective, the User shall be deemed to have agreed to all of the content of the amended Terms of Service.
- The registration of a user for the Service may be automatically cancelled if the conditions specified by the Company in a separate notice on the Application, such as no access for a certain period of time, are met.
Article 2 Use of the Service by Minors
- When a minor uses the Service, the consent of a legal representative (e.g., a person with parental authority) is required for all use of the Service, including the purchase of items and services and other paid services (including consent to the Terms of Service, including each section of this Article).
- In the event that a minor uses a paid service within the Service, such minor shall comply with the maximum monthly usage amount separately determined by the Company. In this case, the amount of cash for use shall be the "property that the legal representative has allowed the minor to dispose of for a specified purpose.
- In the event that a minor uses the Service by falsely claiming to have the consent of a legal representative without the consent of the legal representative as stipulated in these Terms of Use, or uses the Service by falsely claiming to be of legal age, or otherwise falls under the category of "using fraudulent means to make a person believe that he or she has the capacity to act," the minor shall be liable for all legal acts under the Service. In such cases, the minor shall not be able to cancel all legal acts in this service.
- In the event that a user who was a minor at the time of agreeing to the Terms of Service uses the Service after reaching the age of majority, such user shall be deemed to have acknowledged all legal acts related to the use of the Service.
Article 3 Handling of Personal Information
- The Company shall properly handle personal information, etc. obtained from Users in accordance with the "Privacy Policy" separately stipulated by the Company.
Article 4 Secrecy of Communication
- Our company shall protect the confidentiality of the user's communications in accordance with Article 4 of the Telecommunications Business Law (Law No. 86 of 1984).
- In the case that the Company deems any of the following to be applicable, the Company may, without prior notice to the User, view, disclose or delete any information related to the confidentiality of the User's communications.
(1) In the cases where there is a compulsory disposition or court order based on the provisions of the Timekeeping and Litigation Law (Law No. 131 of 1948) or the Law Concerning Interception of Communications for Criminal Investigation (Law No. 137 of 1999).
(2)In the cases where there is a compulsory disposition based on laws and regulations
(3) When our company judges that the requirements for a disclosure request based on Article 4 of the Act on the Limitation of Liability for Damages of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers and the Disclosure of Identification Information of the Sender (Act No. 137 of 2001) have been met.
(4) When our company judges that it is necessary to protect the life, body, property, honor, or privacy of others
(5) When there is consent from the user
(6) When it is necessary for the proper operation of this service.
Article 5 Terms of Use
- Users shall download and install the Application to their own mobile devices at their own risk. Our Company does not guarantee that the Application will be compatible with all mobile devices.
- The User shall be responsible for the preparation and cost of the mobile terminal, communication line, etc. necessary to use the Service.
- The User may use the Application from the time the User completes downloading the Application and is able to start using it. The Application can only be downloaded and installed on mobile devices.
- The User shall only have the right to use in-game currency, items, and other services and benefits (hereinafter referred to as "Items") within the scope specified in the Application, and shall not acquire any ownership rights, intellectual property rights, or other rights, and shall not be able to exchange them for any money or goods outside of the Application. You do not acquire any ownership or intellectual property rights.
- The copyright and other rights of this application belong to our Company. These Terms of Use do not authorize the transfer of the copyright or any other rights to the Application to the User, except as expressly provided.
- The specifications, rules, design, audiovisual expressions, effects, parameters, and any other matters of the Service including the Application may be set, constructed, and changed by the Company at its discretion, and the User agrees to this in advance.
- The User shall not engage in any of the following acts, or acts that the Company deems applicable or likely to be applicable.
(1)Attempting to manipulate or change data in the service.
(2) Allowing a third party to use items, etc., or lending, transferring, selling, or pledging items, etc., for a fee, whether inside or outside of the Service
(3)Use, create, distribute, or sell external tools that affect the Service.
(4)Organizing events within the service to gain some kind of profit.
(5)Any act of trading in-game currency, items, etc. for money, property, or other property interests in the real world (so-called "real money trading"), whether inside or outside of the Service, or any preparatory act including the invitation, application, or acceptance of such an offer.
(6) Exchanging in-game currency, items, etc. between different services, or any preparatory actions including inducement, application, or acceptance of such applications.
(7) Repeated registration of location information in a location different from the user's location by taking advantage of the modification of mobile terminals, technical characteristics, accidental circumstances, or other special circumstances.
(8)Intentionally use actions or external tools not originally intended by our Company to obtain items or other benefits in the Service.
(9) Committing any of the following acts against the Company or any third party
a. Acts that infringe or may infringe intellectual property rights or other rights.
b.Acts that infringe or may infringe on property, privacy, or portrait rights.
c.Acts that unfairly discriminate or slander, promote unfair discrimination against other companies, or damage the honor or trust of others.
d.Actions that interfere with business or cause inconvenience.
e.Use of another person's account, with or without consent.
f.Harassment of others in any way.
(13) To use this service by claiming to be someone other than oneself, by pretending to have the right to represent or act on behalf of another, or by falsely claiming to be in a partnership or cooperative relationship with another person or organization.
(14) Fraud, including computer fraud, obstruction of business, including computer damage, unauthorized access, abuse of controlled substances, child prostitution, illegal sale and purchase of savings accounts and mobile terminals, and other criminal acts, or acts that lead or may lead to crime
(15) Engaging in, mediating, or inducing illegal activities (gambling, transfer of guns, manufacture of explosives, provision of child pornography, forgery of official documents, murder, blackmail, etc.)
(16) Political, religious, or related activities
(17) Obscenity (including any and all expressions that the Company deems to stimulate sexual feelings, regardless of whether they are artistic or not), child pornography or child abuse, comments or other information (including text, ASCII art, images, video, or any other expressions) that is equivalent to a violation of public order and morals, etc. (hereinafter in this item, the "Information")(including text, ASCII art, images, video, and any other expressions) (hereinafter referred to as "Information" in this item), do any of the following
a. Posting or displaying such information.
b. Selling media containing such information.
c. Posting or displaying advertisements that evoke the transmission, display, or sale of media containing this information.
(18)Use of the site for the purpose of obscene acts, dating, etc., whether of the opposite sex or the same sex.
(19)To persistently ask for, collect, or accumulate personal information of other users.
(20)An act of spreading false information or information whose authenticity is unknown.
(21)Influencing minors to drink, smoke, embroider, or otherwise adversely affect their personal development.
(22)Induce or solicit others to commit suicide or self-injury.
(23)Induce or solicit others to engage in antisocial activities.
(24)Posting any of the following information, including comments, on any part of the Site where posting is permitted
a. Information that includes personal information that can identify the user.
b. Comments or other information that is intended for commercial advertising, promotion, or solicitation
c. Information that solicits any medical or medical-like activities (regardless of whether it is in the form of drug use, spirituality, power stone, counseling, divination, etc.), whether for profit or not
d. Comments or other information that contains affiliate links.
e. Comments or other information that solicits others to join a pyramid scheme, chain mail, MLM, lead mail, etc.
f. Information such as comments that contain account numbers or PINs of financial institutions.
g. Information such as comments that lead to sites that the Company deems inappropriate, such as adult sites, one-click fraud sites, and sites that aim to spread harmful computer programs such as viruses (including simply linking to such sites)
h. Grotesque images, including the following, and comments or other information that the Company deems highly likely to cause discomfort to other users
h-1. comments or other information that depicts the killing or injury of a person or animal
h-2. information such as comments that photograph dead bodies or animal carcasses, etc.
h-3. other information such as comments about cruelty
h-4. Comments or other information that may have an adverse effect on minors
h-5. information such as violent or grotesque photos and other comments that general users may find offensive
h-6. Reproduction of all or part of our support e-mail, information posted by other users, etc.
h-7. Other information such as comments that the Company deems inappropriate.
(25)Committing any of the following spam acts
a. Spam posting: Posting or e-mailing the same or similar sentences by one or more Users in the Service where they can be posted.
b. Spamming: An act by which one or more Users list multiple words that are unrelated or of little relevance to the relevant part, or post extremely long sentences or a large number of words in any part of the Service that can be posted.
c. Spam URLs: Acts of one or more users posting the same URL or sending the same URL by e-mail to any part of the Service that can be posted.
d. Any other act that the Company deems to be spam.
(26)Posting links for the purpose of encouraging such acts, knowing that such acts fall under any of the items in this section.
(27)Disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, or otherwise analyze the source code, structure, or ideas of this Application
(28) Copying, transmitting, transferring, lending, translating, adapting, modifying, or combining this application with other software
(29) Copying, transmitting, transferring, lending, translating, adapting, modifying, or combining this application with other software
(30)Any action that induces malfunction of this application (including any and all unscheduled actions)
(31)Other acts that infringe on the rights of the Application Provider with respect to this Application.
(32)Any act that encourages a third party to perform any of the above acts
(33)Act of sublicensing, transferring, transferring or otherwise disposing of this application or the right to use this application based on these terms of use to a third part
(34)Removing or changing the copyright and other rights notices attached to this application.
(35)Act of intermediating access to this service through communication or other methods
(36)Using the Service in places where it is inappropriate to use the Service, such as while driving a vehicle or in dangerous places
(37)Any other acts that the Company deems inappropriate. - In the cases that a user violates any of the provisions of these Terms of Use, our Company may terminate the use of the Application based on these Terms of Use at any time. In such a case, our Company shall not be liable to the User in any way.
- The User shall agree to the terms of payment of Apple or Google (including the third party designated by the Company for payment, if any) depending on the mobile device installed. (If there is a third party designated by mixi, Inc. for payment, the third party shall be included.
Article 6 Guarantee
- Users who post comments and other information using this service shall guarantee to our Company that the said comments and other information do not infringe on the rights of any third party. In the unlikely cases that a dispute of any kind arises with a third party, the user concerned shall resolve the issue at his/her own expense and responsibility, and shall not cause any inconvenience or damage to our Company.
- The copyright of any text, images, video, etc. posted by a User using the Service shall be retained by the User, but the Company may use such text, images, video, etc. to the extent necessary for the smooth provision and announcement of the Service, construction, improvement, and maintenance of the system, and provision of the Service.
Article 7 Dealing with Violations of the Terms of Use or the Terms of Service
- In cases where a User is found to have violated these Terms of Use, or where the Company deems it necessary, the Company may take measures and punishments deemed necessary by the Company, including the following actions against the User. In addition, the Company shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage incurred by the User as a result of such action.
(1)To demand that users stop violating these terms of use and not repeat similar acts.
(2)To request the voluntary deletion or correction of information such as comments
(3)To delete all or part of information such as comments, history, etc., change the scope of public disclosure, or make it unavailable for viewing (private)
(4)Disclosing the fact of violation inside or outside of the Service, including reporting to the police or other public institutions in cases where there is a possibility of criminal or administrative cases.
(5)To deprive users of items they have acquired or take other disadvantageous measures in the Service
(6)Temporarily suspend the use of the Service
(7)Forcibly withdrawing a user from the service. - Our Company may refuse to provide any of the Company's services, including the Service, to a User who has been subject to a forced withdrawal (including refusal to provide the Service and forced withdrawal from other services for which the User has already registered), and may store the User's personal information to the extent necessary for such action.
- The User may not object to the Company's actions in response to violations of these Terms of Use.
- In the event that the Company suffers damage as a result of a User's act, the Company may claim compensation for the damage from the User, regardless of whether or not the Company has taken the action described in Paragraph 1.
- Our Company shall not be liable for any consequences resulting from acts that violate these Terms of Use or the Terms of Service.
Article 8 Disclaimer
- Our Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the User due to the use of the Service.
- In the event that a user causes damage to a third party through the use of this service, the user shall compensate for this at their own expense and responsibility.
- Our Company shall not be liable for any compensation for damages caused by the inability to use the Service due to malfunctions, errors, or failures that occur in the Service.
- Our Company shall not be liable for any damages caused by the inability to use the Service due to the User's alteration, modification, or technical characteristics of the hardware or software of the mobile terminal, and shall not take any action to restore the use of the Service.
- Our Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred due to the User's loss or forgetfulness of registered information (including deletion of the Application), and shall not take any action such as restoring the use of the Service. The same shall apply in the event that the User loses his/her registered information due to unauthorized use, loss, theft, malfunction, or any other reason of the mobile terminal used for the Service.
- The Service shall be what the Company is capable of providing at the time. The Company makes no warranty of any kind regarding the completeness, accuracy, applicability, usefulness, availability, safety, or reliability of the information, content, software, or other information provided.
- Our Company may provide information and advice to the User from time to time, but Our Company shall not be liable for the results thereof.
- Our Company shall not be obligated to repair bugs or other problems in the Application or to improve or enhance the Application. However, the Company may provide the User with updated or upgraded versions of the Application. In this case, such updated version or version up information, etc. shall be treated as the Application, and these Terms of Use shall naturally apply to such updated version or version up information, etc.
- In cases our Company shall not be liable for damages arising from special circumstances (including cases where the Company foresaw or could have foreseen the occurrence of damages). The Company shall not be liable for damages arising from special circumstances (including cases where the occurrence of damages was foreseen or foreseeable).
- Our Company shall not provide any guarantee for products and services other than the Service provided by third parties in connection with the use of the Service.
Article 9 Handling of withdrawal from membership
- Users may withdraw from the membership or uninstall the Application at their own free will. If a user uninstalls this application, the user shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the membership.
- In the case of the death of a user, the user shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the membership at the time of death.
- The user agrees that all remaining in-game currency, items, and other content will be lost upon withdrawal.
- The Company is not obligated to continue to hold any personal information of users who have withdrawn from the service.
- The provisions of the preceding paragraphs 3 and 4 shall apply mutatis mutandis in the case of compulsory withdrawal as stipulated in Article 7 and compulsory withdrawal from the Application as stipulated in Article 1, paragraph 8.
Article 10 Validity of the Terms of Service and Terms of Service Incidental Thereto
- Even if all or part of a provision of these Terms of Use is determined to be invalid based on laws and regulations, the rest of the provision and other provisions of these Terms of Use shall remain valid.
- If any part of the provisions of these Terms of Use is held invalid or revoked in relation to any one user, these Terms of Use shall remain valid in relation to the other users.
Article 11 Application of Law and Jurisdiction
- These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.
- The Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court shall be the exclusive court of first instance for any disputes related to these Terms of Use.
Article 12 Changes to the Terms of Use
- Our Company may revise, add, or change these Terms of Use without prior notice in order to respond to changes in social conditions or if there are changes to the service format in the course of business promotion.
- By continuing to use the Service after any changes are made to the Terms, the customer is deemed to have agreed to the revised Terms.
GRANBOARD App Terms of Use
Article 1 About these Terms of Use
- The GRANBOARD Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms of Use") shall apply to all actions taken by the user when using the services provided by LUXZA Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Company").
- These Terms of Use set forth the terms and conditions for the use of the "GRANBOARD" (hereinafter referred to as the "Service" and the application provided by the Company for use of the Service is referred to as the "Application") operated by the Company. The User shall use the Service in accordance with these Terms of Use.
- By downloading the Application and using the Service, the User shall be deemed to have joined the Service and to have agreed to all of the contents of these Terms of Use. In addition, each time the User uses the Service, the User shall confirm the precautions displayed on the Application, and shall be deemed to have agreed to these Terms of Use.
- The Company may, at its discretion, change the Terms of Use at any time for any reason.
- Unless otherwise specified by the Company, the amended Terms of Use shall be effective from the time they are displayed on the Application.
- If the User does not agree to the amended Terms of Use, the User shall immediately delete the Application from the User's own smartphone or other mobile device (hereinafter referred to as "Mobile Device").
- If the User uses the Service after the changes to the Terms of Service become effective, the User shall be deemed to have agreed to all of the content of the amended Terms of Service.
- The registration of a user for the Service may be automatically cancelled if the conditions specified by the Company in a separate notice on the Application, such as no access for a certain period of time, are met.
Article 2 Use of the Service by Minors
- When a minor uses the Service, the consent of a legal representative (e.g., a person with parental authority) is required for all use of the Service, including the purchase of items and services and other paid services (including consent to the Terms of Service, including each section of this Article).
- In the event that a minor uses a paid service within the Service, such minor shall comply with the maximum monthly usage amount separately determined by the Company. In this case, the amount of cash for use shall be the "property that the legal representative has allowed the minor to dispose of for a specified purpose.
- In the event that a minor uses the Service by falsely claiming to have the consent of a legal representative without the consent of the legal representative as stipulated in these Terms of Use, or uses the Service by falsely claiming to be of legal age, or otherwise falls under the category of "using fraudulent means to make a person believe that he or she has the capacity to act," the minor shall be liable for all legal acts under the Service. In such cases, the minor shall not be able to cancel all legal acts in this service.
- In the event that a user who was a minor at the time of agreeing to the Terms of Service uses the Service after reaching the age of majority, such user shall be deemed to have acknowledged all legal acts related to the use of the Service.
Article 3 Handling of Personal Information
- The Company shall properly handle personal information, etc. obtained from Users in accordance with the "Privacy Policy" separately stipulated by the Company.
Article 4 Secrecy of Communication
- Our company shall protect the confidentiality of the user's communications in accordance with Article 4 of the Telecommunications Business Law (Law No. 86 of 1984).
- In the case that the Company deems any of the following to be applicable, the Company may, without prior notice to the User, view, disclose or delete any information related to the confidentiality of the User's communications.
(1) In the cases where there is a compulsory disposition or court order based on the provisions of the Timekeeping and Litigation Law (Law No. 131 of 1948) or the Law Concerning Interception of Communications for Criminal Investigation (Law No. 137 of 1999).
(2)In the cases where there is a compulsory disposition based on laws and regulations
(3) When our company judges that the requirements for a disclosure request based on Article 4 of the Act on the Limitation of Liability for Damages of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers and the Disclosure of Identification Information of the Sender (Act No. 137 of 2001) have been met.
(4) When our company judges that it is necessary to protect the life, body, property, honor, or privacy of others
(5) When there is consent from the user
(6) When it is necessary for the proper operation of this service.
Article 5 Terms of Use
- Users shall download and install the Application to their own mobile devices at their own risk. Our Company does not guarantee that the Application will be compatible with all mobile devices.
- The User shall be responsible for the preparation and cost of the mobile terminal, communication line, etc. necessary to use the Service.
- The User may use the Application from the time the User completes downloading the Application and is able to start using it. The Application can only be downloaded and installed on mobile devices.
- The User shall only have the right to use in-game currency, items, and other services and benefits (hereinafter referred to as "Items") within the scope specified in the Application, and shall not acquire any ownership rights, intellectual property rights, or other rights, and shall not be able to exchange them for any money or goods outside of the Application. You do not acquire any ownership or intellectual property rights.
- The copyright and other rights of this application belong to our Company. These Terms of Use do not authorize the transfer of the copyright or any other rights to the Application to the User, except as expressly provided.
- The specifications, rules, design, audiovisual expressions, effects, parameters, and any other matters of the Service including the Application may be set, constructed, and changed by the Company at its discretion, and the User agrees to this in advance.
- The User shall not engage in any of the following acts, or acts that the Company deems applicable or likely to be applicable.
(1)Attempting to manipulate or change data in the service.
(2) Allowing a third party to use items, etc., or lending, transferring, selling, or pledging items, etc., for a fee, whether inside or outside of the Service
(3)Use, create, distribute, or sell external tools that affect the Service.
(4)Organizing events within the service to gain some kind of profit.
(5)Any act of trading in-game currency, items, etc. for money, property, or other property interests in the real world (so-called "real money trading"), whether inside or outside of the Service, or any preparatory act including the invitation, application, or acceptance of such an offer.
(6) Exchanging in-game currency, items, etc. between different services, or any preparatory actions including inducement, application, or acceptance of such applications.
(7) Repeated registration of location information in a location different from the user's location by taking advantage of the modification of mobile terminals, technical characteristics, accidental circumstances, or other special circumstances.
(8)Intentionally use actions or external tools not originally intended by our Company to obtain items or other benefits in the Service.
(9) Committing any of the following acts against the Company or any third party
a. Acts that infringe or may infringe intellectual property rights or other rights.
b.Acts that infringe or may infringe on property, privacy, or portrait rights.
c.Acts that unfairly discriminate or slander, promote unfair discrimination against other companies, or damage the honor or trust of others.
d.Actions that interfere with business or cause inconvenience.
e.Use of another person's account, with or without consent.
f.Harassment of others in any way.
(13) To use this service by claiming to be someone other than oneself, by pretending to have the right to represent or act on behalf of another, or by falsely claiming to be in a partnership or cooperative relationship with another person or organization.
(14) Fraud, including computer fraud, obstruction of business, including computer damage, unauthorized access, abuse of controlled substances, child prostitution, illegal sale and purchase of savings accounts and mobile terminals, and other criminal acts, or acts that lead or may lead to crime
(15) Engaging in, mediating, or inducing illegal activities (gambling, transfer of guns, manufacture of explosives, provision of child pornography, forgery of official documents, murder, blackmail, etc.)
(16) Political, religious, or related activities
(17) Obscenity (including any and all expressions that the Company deems to stimulate sexual feelings, regardless of whether they are artistic or not), child pornography or child abuse, comments or other information (including text, ASCII art, images, video, or any other expressions) that is equivalent to a violation of public order and morals, etc. (hereinafter in this item, the "Information")(including text, ASCII art, images, video, and any other expressions) (hereinafter referred to as "Information" in this item), do any of the following
a. Posting or displaying such information.
b. Selling media containing such information.
c. Posting or displaying advertisements that evoke the transmission, display, or sale of media containing this information.
(18)Use of the site for the purpose of obscene acts, dating, etc., whether of the opposite sex or the same sex.
(19)To persistently ask for, collect, or accumulate personal information of other users.
(20)An act of spreading false information or information whose authenticity is unknown.
(21)Influencing minors to drink, smoke, embroider, or otherwise adversely affect their personal development.
(22)Induce or solicit others to commit suicide or self-injury.
(23)Induce or solicit others to engage in antisocial activities.
(24)Posting any of the following information, including comments, on any part of the Site where posting is permitted
a. Information that includes personal information that can identify the user.
b. Comments or other information that is intended for commercial advertising, promotion, or solicitation
c. Information that solicits any medical or medical-like activities (regardless of whether it is in the form of drug use, spirituality, power stone, counseling, divination, etc.), whether for profit or not
d. Comments or other information that contains affiliate links.
e. Comments or other information that solicits others to join a pyramid scheme, chain mail, MLM, lead mail, etc.
f. Information such as comments that contain account numbers or PINs of financial institutions.
g. Information such as comments that lead to sites that the Company deems inappropriate, such as adult sites, one-click fraud sites, and sites that aim to spread harmful computer programs such as viruses (including simply linking to such sites)
h. Grotesque images, including the following, and comments or other information that the Company deems highly likely to cause discomfort to other users
h-1. comments or other information that depicts the killing or injury of a person or animal
h-2. information such as comments that photograph dead bodies or animal carcasses, etc.
h-3. other information such as comments about cruelty
h-4. Comments or other information that may have an adverse effect on minors
h-5. information such as violent or grotesque photos and other comments that general users may find offensive
h-6. Reproduction of all or part of our support e-mail, information posted by other users, etc.
h-7. Other information such as comments that the Company deems inappropriate.
(25)Committing any of the following spam acts
a. Spam posting: Posting or e-mailing the same or similar sentences by one or more Users in the Service where they can be posted.
b. Spamming: An act by which one or more Users list multiple words that are unrelated or of little relevance to the relevant part, or post extremely long sentences or a large number of words in any part of the Service that can be posted.
c. Spam URLs: Acts of one or more users posting the same URL or sending the same URL by e-mail to any part of the Service that can be posted.
d. Any other act that the Company deems to be spam.
(26)Posting links for the purpose of encouraging such acts, knowing that such acts fall under any of the items in this section.
(27)Disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, or otherwise analyze the source code, structure, or ideas of this Application
(28) Copying, transmitting, transferring, lending, translating, adapting, modifying, or combining this application with other software
(29) Copying, transmitting, transferring, lending, translating, adapting, modifying, or combining this application with other software
(30)Any action that induces malfunction of this application (including any and all unscheduled actions)
(31)Other acts that infringe on the rights of the Application Provider with respect to this Application.
(32)Any act that encourages a third party to perform any of the above acts
(33)Act of sublicensing, transferring, transferring or otherwise disposing of this application or the right to use this application based on these terms of use to a third part
(34)Removing or changing the copyright and other rights notices attached to this application.
(35)Act of intermediating access to this service through communication or other methods
(36)Using the Service in places where it is inappropriate to use the Service, such as while driving a vehicle or in dangerous places
(37)Any other acts that the Company deems inappropriate. - In the cases that a user violates any of the provisions of these Terms of Use, our Company may terminate the use of the Application based on these Terms of Use at any time. In such a case, our Company shall not be liable to the User in any way.
- The User shall agree to the terms of payment of Apple or Google (including the third party designated by the Company for payment, if any) depending on the mobile device installed. (If there is a third party designated by mixi, Inc. for payment, the third party shall be included.
Article 6 Guarantee
- Users who post comments and other information using this service shall guarantee to our Company that the said comments and other information do not infringe on the rights of any third party. In the unlikely cases that a dispute of any kind arises with a third party, the user concerned shall resolve the issue at his/her own expense and responsibility, and shall not cause any inconvenience or damage to our Company.
- The copyright of any text, images, video, etc. posted by a User using the Service shall be retained by the User, but the Company may use such text, images, video, etc. to the extent necessary for the smooth provision and announcement of the Service, construction, improvement, and maintenance of the system, and provision of the Service.
Article 7 Dealing with Violations of the Terms of Use or the Terms of Service
- In cases where a User is found to have violated these Terms of Use, or where the Company deems it necessary, the Company may take measures and punishments deemed necessary by the Company, including the following actions against the User. In addition, the Company shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage incurred by the User as a result of such action.
(1)To demand that users stop violating these terms of use and not repeat similar acts.
(2)To request the voluntary deletion or correction of information such as comments
(3)To delete all or part of information such as comments, history, etc., change the scope of public disclosure, or make it unavailable for viewing (private)
(4)Disclosing the fact of violation inside or outside of the Service, including reporting to the police or other public institutions in cases where there is a possibility of criminal or administrative cases.
(5)To deprive users of items they have acquired or take other disadvantageous measures in the Service
(6)Temporarily suspend the use of the Service
(7)Forcibly withdrawing a user from the service. - Our Company may refuse to provide any of the Company's services, including the Service, to a User who has been subject to a forced withdrawal (including refusal to provide the Service and forced withdrawal from other services for which the User has already registered), and may store the User's personal information to the extent necessary for such action.
- The User may not object to the Company's actions in response to violations of these Terms of Use.
- In the event that the Company suffers damage as a result of a User's act, the Company may claim compensation for the damage from the User, regardless of whether or not the Company has taken the action described in Paragraph 1.
- Our Company shall not be liable for any consequences resulting from acts that violate these Terms of Use or the Terms of Service.
Article 8 Disclaimer
- Our Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the User due to the use of the Service.
- In the event that a user causes damage to a third party through the use of this service, the user shall compensate for this at their own expense and responsibility.
- Our Company shall not be liable for any compensation for damages caused by the inability to use the Service due to malfunctions, errors, or failures that occur in the Service.
- Our Company shall not be liable for any damages caused by the inability to use the Service due to the User's alteration, modification, or technical characteristics of the hardware or software of the mobile terminal, and shall not take any action to restore the use of the Service.
- Our Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred due to the User's loss or forgetfulness of registered information (including deletion of the Application), and shall not take any action such as restoring the use of the Service. The same shall apply in the event that the User loses his/her registered information due to unauthorized use, loss, theft, malfunction, or any other reason of the mobile terminal used for the Service.
- The Service shall be what the Company is capable of providing at the time. The Company makes no warranty of any kind regarding the completeness, accuracy, applicability, usefulness, availability, safety, or reliability of the information, content, software, or other information provided.
- Our Company may provide information and advice to the User from time to time, but Our Company shall not be liable for the results thereof.
- Our Company shall not be obligated to repair bugs or other problems in the Application or to improve or enhance the Application. However, the Company may provide the User with updated or upgraded versions of the Application. In this case, such updated version or version up information, etc. shall be treated as the Application, and these Terms of Use shall naturally apply to such updated version or version up information, etc.
- In cases our Company shall not be liable for damages arising from special circumstances (including cases where the Company foresaw or could have foreseen the occurrence of damages). The Company shall not be liable for damages arising from special circumstances (including cases where the occurrence of damages was foreseen or foreseeable).
- Our Company shall not provide any guarantee for products and services other than the Service provided by third parties in connection with the use of the Service.
Article 9 Handling of withdrawal from membership
- Users may withdraw from the membership or uninstall the Application at their own free will. If a user uninstalls this application, the user shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the membership.
- In the case of the death of a user, the user shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the membership at the time of death.
- The user agrees that all remaining in-game currency, items, and other content will be lost upon withdrawal.
- The Company is not obligated to continue to hold any personal information of users who have withdrawn from the service.
- The provisions of the preceding paragraphs 3 and 4 shall apply mutatis mutandis in the case of compulsory withdrawal as stipulated in Article 7 and compulsory withdrawal from the Application as stipulated in Article 1, paragraph 8.
Article 10 Validity of the Terms of Service and Terms of Service Incidental Thereto
- Even if all or part of a provision of these Terms of Use is determined to be invalid based on laws and regulations, the rest of the provision and other provisions of these Terms of Use shall remain valid.
- If any part of the provisions of these Terms of Use is held invalid or revoked in relation to any one user, these Terms of Use shall remain valid in relation to the other users.
Article 11 Application of Law and Jurisdiction
- These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.
- The Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court shall be the exclusive court of first instance for any disputes related to these Terms of Use.
Article 12 Changes to the Terms of Use
- Our Company may revise, add, or change these Terms of Use without prior notice in order to respond to changes in social conditions or if there are changes to the service format in the course of business promotion.
- By continuing to use the Service after any changes are made to the Terms, the customer is deemed to have agreed to the revised Terms.
GRANBOARD App Terms of Use
Article 1 About these Terms of Use
- The GRANBOARD Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms of Use") shall apply to all actions taken by the user when using the services provided by LUXZA Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Company").
- These Terms of Use set forth the terms and conditions for the use of the "GRANBOARD" (hereinafter referred to as the "Service" and the application provided by the Company for use of the Service is referred to as the "Application") operated by the Company. The User shall use the Service in accordance with these Terms of Use.
- By downloading the Application and using the Service, the User shall be deemed to have joined the Service and to have agreed to all of the contents of these Terms of Use. In addition, each time the User uses the Service, the User shall confirm the precautions displayed on the Application, and shall be deemed to have agreed to these Terms of Use.
- The Company may, at its discretion, change the Terms of Use at any time for any reason.
- Unless otherwise specified by the Company, the amended Terms of Use shall be effective from the time they are displayed on the Application.
- If the User does not agree to the amended Terms of Use, the User shall immediately delete the Application from the User's own smartphone or other mobile device (hereinafter referred to as "Mobile Device").
- If the User uses the Service after the changes to the Terms of Service become effective, the User shall be deemed to have agreed to all of the content of the amended Terms of Service.
- The registration of a user for the Service may be automatically cancelled if the conditions specified by the Company in a separate notice on the Application, such as no access for a certain period of time, are met.
Article 2 Use of the Service by Minors
- When a minor uses the Service, the consent of a legal representative (e.g., a person with parental authority) is required for all use of the Service, including the purchase of items and services and other paid services (including consent to the Terms of Service, including each section of this Article).
- In the event that a minor uses a paid service within the Service, such minor shall comply with the maximum monthly usage amount separately determined by the Company. In this case, the amount of cash for use shall be the "property that the legal representative has allowed the minor to dispose of for a specified purpose.
- In the event that a minor uses the Service by falsely claiming to have the consent of a legal representative without the consent of the legal representative as stipulated in these Terms of Use, or uses the Service by falsely claiming to be of legal age, or otherwise falls under the category of "using fraudulent means to make a person believe that he or she has the capacity to act," the minor shall be liable for all legal acts under the Service. In such cases, the minor shall not be able to cancel all legal acts in this service.
- In the event that a user who was a minor at the time of agreeing to the Terms of Service uses the Service after reaching the age of majority, such user shall be deemed to have acknowledged all legal acts related to the use of the Service.
Article 3 Handling of Personal Information
- The Company shall properly handle personal information, etc. obtained from Users in accordance with the "Privacy Policy" separately stipulated by the Company.
Article 4 Secrecy of Communication
- Our company shall protect the confidentiality of the user's communications in accordance with Article 4 of the Telecommunications Business Law (Law No. 86 of 1984).
- In the case that the Company deems any of the following to be applicable, the Company may, without prior notice to the User, view, disclose or delete any information related to the confidentiality of the User's communications.
(1) In the cases where there is a compulsory disposition or court order based on the provisions of the Timekeeping and Litigation Law (Law No. 131 of 1948) or the Law Concerning Interception of Communications for Criminal Investigation (Law No. 137 of 1999).
(2)In the cases where there is a compulsory disposition based on laws and regulations
(3) When our company judges that the requirements for a disclosure request based on Article 4 of the Act on the Limitation of Liability for Damages of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers and the Disclosure of Identification Information of the Sender (Act No. 137 of 2001) have been met.
(4) When our company judges that it is necessary to protect the life, body, property, honor, or privacy of others
(5) When there is consent from the user
(6) When it is necessary for the proper operation of this service.
Article 5 Terms of Use
- Users shall download and install the Application to their own mobile devices at their own risk. Our Company does not guarantee that the Application will be compatible with all mobile devices.
- The User shall be responsible for the preparation and cost of the mobile terminal, communication line, etc. necessary to use the Service.
- The User may use the Application from the time the User completes downloading the Application and is able to start using it. The Application can only be downloaded and installed on mobile devices.
- The User shall only have the right to use in-game currency, items, and other services and benefits (hereinafter referred to as "Items") within the scope specified in the Application, and shall not acquire any ownership rights, intellectual property rights, or other rights, and shall not be able to exchange them for any money or goods outside of the Application. You do not acquire any ownership or intellectual property rights.
- The copyright and other rights of this application belong to our Company. These Terms of Use do not authorize the transfer of the copyright or any other rights to the Application to the User, except as expressly provided.
- The specifications, rules, design, audiovisual expressions, effects, parameters, and any other matters of the Service including the Application may be set, constructed, and changed by the Company at its discretion, and the User agrees to this in advance.
- The User shall not engage in any of the following acts, or acts that the Company deems applicable or likely to be applicable.
(1)Attempting to manipulate or change data in the service.
(2) Allowing a third party to use items, etc., or lending, transferring, selling, or pledging items, etc., for a fee, whether inside or outside of the Service
(3)Use, create, distribute, or sell external tools that affect the Service.
(4)Organizing events within the service to gain some kind of profit.
(5)Any act of trading in-game currency, items, etc. for money, property, or other property interests in the real world (so-called "real money trading"), whether inside or outside of the Service, or any preparatory act including the invitation, application, or acceptance of such an offer.
(6) Exchanging in-game currency, items, etc. between different services, or any preparatory actions including inducement, application, or acceptance of such applications.
(7) Repeated registration of location information in a location different from the user's location by taking advantage of the modification of mobile terminals, technical characteristics, accidental circumstances, or other special circumstances.
(8)Intentionally use actions or external tools not originally intended by our Company to obtain items or other benefits in the Service.
(9) Committing any of the following acts against the Company or any third party
a. Acts that infringe or may infringe intellectual property rights or other rights.
b.Acts that infringe or may infringe on property, privacy, or portrait rights.
c.Acts that unfairly discriminate or slander, promote unfair discrimination against other companies, or damage the honor or trust of others.
d.Actions that interfere with business or cause inconvenience.
e.Use of another person's account, with or without consent.
f.Harassment of others in any way.
(13) To use this service by claiming to be someone other than oneself, by pretending to have the right to represent or act on behalf of another, or by falsely claiming to be in a partnership or cooperative relationship with another person or organization.
(14) Fraud, including computer fraud, obstruction of business, including computer damage, unauthorized access, abuse of controlled substances, child prostitution, illegal sale and purchase of savings accounts and mobile terminals, and other criminal acts, or acts that lead or may lead to crime
(15) Engaging in, mediating, or inducing illegal activities (gambling, transfer of guns, manufacture of explosives, provision of child pornography, forgery of official documents, murder, blackmail, etc.)
(16) Political, religious, or related activities
(17) Obscenity (including any and all expressions that the Company deems to stimulate sexual feelings, regardless of whether they are artistic or not), child pornography or child abuse, comments or other information (including text, ASCII art, images, video, or any other expressions) that is equivalent to a violation of public order and morals, etc. (hereinafter in this item, the "Information")(including text, ASCII art, images, video, and any other expressions) (hereinafter referred to as "Information" in this item), do any of the following
a. Posting or displaying such information.
b. Selling media containing such information.
c. Posting or displaying advertisements that evoke the transmission, display, or sale of media containing this information.
(18)Use of the site for the purpose of obscene acts, dating, etc., whether of the opposite sex or the same sex.
(19)To persistently ask for, collect, or accumulate personal information of other users.
(20)An act of spreading false information or information whose authenticity is unknown.
(21)Influencing minors to drink, smoke, embroider, or otherwise adversely affect their personal development.
(22)Induce or solicit others to commit suicide or self-injury.
(23)Induce or solicit others to engage in antisocial activities.
(24)Posting any of the following information, including comments, on any part of the Site where posting is permitted
a. Information that includes personal information that can identify the user.
b. Comments or other information that is intended for commercial advertising, promotion, or solicitation
c. Information that solicits any medical or medical-like activities (regardless of whether it is in the form of drug use, spirituality, power stone, counseling, divination, etc.), whether for profit or not
d. Comments or other information that contains affiliate links.
e. Comments or other information that solicits others to join a pyramid scheme, chain mail, MLM, lead mail, etc.
f. Information such as comments that contain account numbers or PINs of financial institutions.
g. Information such as comments that lead to sites that the Company deems inappropriate, such as adult sites, one-click fraud sites, and sites that aim to spread harmful computer programs such as viruses (including simply linking to such sites)
h. Grotesque images, including the following, and comments or other information that the Company deems highly likely to cause discomfort to other users
h-1. comments or other information that depicts the killing or injury of a person or animal
h-2. information such as comments that photograph dead bodies or animal carcasses, etc.
h-3. other information such as comments about cruelty
h-4. Comments or other information that may have an adverse effect on minors
h-5. information such as violent or grotesque photos and other comments that general users may find offensive
h-6. Reproduction of all or part of our support e-mail, information posted by other users, etc.
h-7. Other information such as comments that the Company deems inappropriate.
(25)Committing any of the following spam acts
a. Spam posting: Posting or e-mailing the same or similar sentences by one or more Users in the Service where they can be posted.
b. Spamming: An act by which one or more Users list multiple words that are unrelated or of little relevance to the relevant part, or post extremely long sentences or a large number of words in any part of the Service that can be posted.
c. Spam URLs: Acts of one or more users posting the same URL or sending the same URL by e-mail to any part of the Service that can be posted.
d. Any other act that the Company deems to be spam.
(26)Posting links for the purpose of encouraging such acts, knowing that such acts fall under any of the items in this section.
(27)Disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, or otherwise analyze the source code, structure, or ideas of this Application
(28) Copying, transmitting, transferring, lending, translating, adapting, modifying, or combining this application with other software
(29) Copying, transmitting, transferring, lending, translating, adapting, modifying, or combining this application with other software
(30)Any action that induces malfunction of this application (including any and all unscheduled actions)
(31)Other acts that infringe on the rights of the Application Provider with respect to this Application.
(32)Any act that encourages a third party to perform any of the above acts
(33)Act of sublicensing, transferring, transferring or otherwise disposing of this application or the right to use this application based on these terms of use to a third part
(34)Removing or changing the copyright and other rights notices attached to this application.
(35)Act of intermediating access to this service through communication or other methods
(36)Using the Service in places where it is inappropriate to use the Service, such as while driving a vehicle or in dangerous places
(37)Any other acts that the Company deems inappropriate. - In the cases that a user violates any of the provisions of these Terms of Use, our Company may terminate the use of the Application based on these Terms of Use at any time. In such a case, our Company shall not be liable to the User in any way.
- The User shall agree to the terms of payment of Apple or Google (including the third party designated by the Company for payment, if any) depending on the mobile device installed. (If there is a third party designated by mixi, Inc. for payment, the third party shall be included.
Article 6 Guarantee
- Users who post comments and other information using this service shall guarantee to our Company that the said comments and other information do not infringe on the rights of any third party. In the unlikely cases that a dispute of any kind arises with a third party, the user concerned shall resolve the issue at his/her own expense and responsibility, and shall not cause any inconvenience or damage to our Company.
- The copyright of any text, images, video, etc. posted by a User using the Service shall be retained by the User, but the Company may use such text, images, video, etc. to the extent necessary for the smooth provision and announcement of the Service, construction, improvement, and maintenance of the system, and provision of the Service.
Article 7 Dealing with Violations of the Terms of Use or the Terms of Service
- In cases where a User is found to have violated these Terms of Use, or where the Company deems it necessary, the Company may take measures and punishments deemed necessary by the Company, including the following actions against the User. In addition, the Company shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage incurred by the User as a result of such action.
(1)To demand that users stop violating these terms of use and not repeat similar acts.
(2)To request the voluntary deletion or correction of information such as comments
(3)To delete all or part of information such as comments, history, etc., change the scope of public disclosure, or make it unavailable for viewing (private)
(4)Disclosing the fact of violation inside or outside of the Service, including reporting to the police or other public institutions in cases where there is a possibility of criminal or administrative cases.
(5)To deprive users of items they have acquired or take other disadvantageous measures in the Service
(6)Temporarily suspend the use of the Service
(7)Forcibly withdrawing a user from the service. - Our Company may refuse to provide any of the Company's services, including the Service, to a User who has been subject to a forced withdrawal (including refusal to provide the Service and forced withdrawal from other services for which the User has already registered), and may store the User's personal information to the extent necessary for such action.
- The User may not object to the Company's actions in response to violations of these Terms of Use.
- In the event that the Company suffers damage as a result of a User's act, the Company may claim compensation for the damage from the User, regardless of whether or not the Company has taken the action described in Paragraph 1.
- Our Company shall not be liable for any consequences resulting from acts that violate these Terms of Use or the Terms of Service.
Article 8 Disclaimer
- Our Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the User due to the use of the Service.
- In the event that a user causes damage to a third party through the use of this service, the user shall compensate for this at their own expense and responsibility.
- Our Company shall not be liable for any compensation for damages caused by the inability to use the Service due to malfunctions, errors, or failures that occur in the Service.
- Our Company shall not be liable for any damages caused by the inability to use the Service due to the User's alteration, modification, or technical characteristics of the hardware or software of the mobile terminal, and shall not take any action to restore the use of the Service.
- Our Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred due to the User's loss or forgetfulness of registered information (including deletion of the Application), and shall not take any action such as restoring the use of the Service. The same shall apply in the event that the User loses his/her registered information due to unauthorized use, loss, theft, malfunction, or any other reason of the mobile terminal used for the Service.
- The Service shall be what the Company is capable of providing at the time. The Company makes no warranty of any kind regarding the completeness, accuracy, applicability, usefulness, availability, safety, or reliability of the information, content, software, or other information provided.
- Our Company may provide information and advice to the User from time to time, but Our Company shall not be liable for the results thereof.
- Our Company shall not be obligated to repair bugs or other problems in the Application or to improve or enhance the Application. However, the Company may provide the User with updated or upgraded versions of the Application. In this case, such updated version or version up information, etc. shall be treated as the Application, and these Terms of Use shall naturally apply to such updated version or version up information, etc.
- In cases our Company shall not be liable for damages arising from special circumstances (including cases where the Company foresaw or could have foreseen the occurrence of damages). The Company shall not be liable for damages arising from special circumstances (including cases where the occurrence of damages was foreseen or foreseeable).
- Our Company shall not provide any guarantee for products and services other than the Service provided by third parties in connection with the use of the Service.
Article 9 Handling of withdrawal from membership
- Users may withdraw from the membership or uninstall the Application at their own free will. If a user uninstalls this application, the user shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the membership.
- In the case of the death of a user, the user shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the membership at the time of death.
- The user agrees that all remaining in-game currency, items, and other content will be lost upon withdrawal.
- The Company is not obligated to continue to hold any personal information of users who have withdrawn from the service.
- The provisions of the preceding paragraphs 3 and 4 shall apply mutatis mutandis in the case of compulsory withdrawal as stipulated in Article 7 and compulsory withdrawal from the Application as stipulated in Article 1, paragraph 8.
Article 10 Validity of the Terms of Service and Terms of Service Incidental Thereto
- Even if all or part of a provision of these Terms of Use is determined to be invalid based on laws and regulations, the rest of the provision and other provisions of these Terms of Use shall remain valid.
- If any part of the provisions of these Terms of Use is held invalid or revoked in relation to any one user, these Terms of Use shall remain valid in relation to the other users.
Article 11 Application of Law and Jurisdiction
- These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.
- The Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court shall be the exclusive court of first instance for any disputes related to these Terms of Use.
Article 12 Changes to the Terms of Use
- Our Company may revise, add, or change these Terms of Use without prior notice in order to respond to changes in social conditions or if there are changes to the service format in the course of business promotion.
- By continuing to use the Service after any changes are made to the Terms, the customer is deemed to have agreed to the revised Terms.